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Toggle buttons (APC led)

Posted: 06 Nov 2020, 10:33
by mmark
Hi all!

I would like to know if (and how) it is possible to toggle key presses.

I am using an APC AKA mini with led which you can activate by sending midi notes to the APC.
Sending "90 43 01" will set the button to green (01 = green).

I would like to set a button to green (velocity 01 ) on one keypress and tun it of ( velocity 00) when I press it again.

Of course, with every keypress, it sentsout the same data.

To give some context; I use Bone midi translator CLASSIC in combination with LoopMidi to control Dot2onPC (light DMX software).
I could listen in with minikey2key to loopMidi and output it to my APC to control the leds. Sadly there is no option to do this in Bone Classic so I thought perhaps I can do this and the end because for the end purpose it doesn't matter were the control of the LEDs happens.


Re: Toggle buttons (APC led)

Posted: 06 Nov 2020, 11:16
by Der Abt
(If I understand this correctly):
Yes, You can toggle LEDs when receiving again and again the same NoteOn (or NoteOff).

Use two different sets of Midi commands to send to Your device by defining them under "Send Midi" with the A B variations.

Tell us please, if You got it to work.

Re: Toggle buttons (APC led)

Posted: 16 Dec 2020, 09:44
by Der Abt
I need to try this scenario for myself.
It should work with A-B, but be aware, that any other action (keyboard for example) will trigger the same key action all the time. A-B works for MIDI-output only.

I will get back here.