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"Wait for NoteOff"

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 13:14
by Bach1399

I am using MidiKey2Key to play a game called Deemo. My midi device does not offer NoteOff commands, so I instead use the approach of telling my midi device to only play it's notes at either 127 velocity or 0 velocity (mute). It works well, except for the command to hold down the [space] bar. I was under the impression that, if I clicked the "wait for NoteOff" option, my computer would read that the [space] bar would be held down for as long as I kept my midi key down. Am I correct or does this function do something else? If not, is there a way to achieve this?

Thank you for the help!

Re: "Wait for NoteOff"

Posted: 18 Sep 2020, 20:31
by Der Abt
I found out that the current version has a bug on this function when using a device that sends NoteOn but velocity 0 when releasing a key.
Sorry for this, it will be fixed at the next update.